Best Top Free 5 Anti Ad Block Plugins for WordPress

The advertising industry and advertisers are in quite a pickle right now. The number of ad block users are expected to grow by 40% in next two years. This means that advertisers have to find new way to promote and sell their products as the numbers are scary. However, the publishers are trying to crack down on those using ad block. For example: Forbes blocks new users on its website unless they disable ad blocker. But this sets a bad example. If you are publisher and is worried about these ad blocker plugins, here is the list of some of the best anti ad block plugins for WordPress.

AdBlock Notify

Adblock Notify

Ad blocking companies have decided to block some of the anti-ad blocker plugins, but AdBlock Notify has been coded carefully making it undetectable, preventing ad blockers from picking up the notification popup. You can easily build your popups using jQuery or a custom JavaScript. Whenever a visitor visits your website and doesn’t find your website address on their whitelist, a popup appears explaining why you want the visitor to whitelist your site. The custom ad space on your website can be easily replaced with custom images. These images will appear if your website is not on the trusted whitelist.

This plugin can be customized in your own way. Thanks to its built-in chart.js library that you can collect a lot of analytical data over the time. This plugin is not at all forceful to the users. It’s totally flexible so that the notification process can be made user-friendly.


adunblocker plugin

With all the hard work you have done for your website, the time has come to monetize it. However, once you add the ads, nothing much seems to be happening. Later, you find out most of your site visitors are using ad blockers. You can offer them an option to unblock your website by using AdUnblocker. This plugin detects if Google Adsense is running or not. If not, the plugin shares a message with your users asking them to turn the ads on by adding your website to the whitelist of ad blocker plugins.

Other features of AdUnblocker includes hiding or showing close button, customizing the message popup look, random file naming and smoother performance. Avoid ad revenue drops due to ad blockers using AdUnblocker.


It is another powerful advertisement management plugin that comes with tons of functions and capabilities. It lets you start monetizing your website as well as prevent ad blockers from hiding the ads. This plugin displays pop-up saying that an ad blocker was detected, using persuasive verbiage and get them disable it.

It’s a multifunctional plugin that helps you grow your online projects and take them to new heights. Even if you are new to it, you can easily play with it. Execution can be done in a user-friendly manner.

Simple Adblock Notice

Simple Adblock Notice

Sometimes, the bloggers are concerned about using anti-ad block scripts or plugins because they might penalize their rankings on search engines. This might even get their account banned on Adsense. Google Adsense don’t penalize popups as far as they are not forcing the malware onto the users. Asking users to whitelist your website can hardly be considered as malware.

You can display a popup saying the user to whitelist your website. This is the only thing you can do as being able to earn equal revenue from all your visitors. As long as your website is not bloated with crappy ads, users won’t mind enabling ads that are there on your site.


dh anti adblocker plugin

You can easily show your users that you know they are using ad blocker WordPress plugin. You can use DH plugin to show your users the message about whitelisting your website so that you can display ads and continue increase your revenue.

DH acts as an aggressive ad blocker prevention plugin only allowing the visitors to enter your website if they have disabled their ad blocker. Only then, they can refresh your page and view your website content.

The Bottom Line

Ad blocker WordPress plugins can degrade your website revenue if you are surviving on ads. Anti-ad blocker plugins can help you boost your revenue by helping you display your ads to the visitors using ad blockers.

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