How To Quickly Find Out What WordPress Theme Is A Website Using?

Have you ever found a theme that has inspired you while surfing over the web? Were you unable to find out which theme it was? Many times it happens that we like few themes while we are surfing on the internet and are unable to find out its name. But, how to know the theme

Upvato A Free Unlimited Cloud To Backup Your Envato Premium Files | Review

UPDATE : Service is back online but all the previous backups and accounts removed ! Reliability of this service is now a question here. There are many Cloud services available in the market right now ranging from free to premium ones like Google Drive, Dropbox, Box etc. But most of them deals with saving our

WordPress Image Compression | Best Ways

Image optimization plays a crucial role in loading speed of a website and many especially webmasters, bloggers out there want to shrink your picture to least possible size by removing unnecessary data or info that are packed in a file. Best ways of compressing jpeg, png format pictures Let’s see some of the free online

How To Integrate or Add CloudFlare CDN To WordPress ?

Here we are explaining whats Cloudflare CDN or content delivery network in short before proceeding with the integration of cloudflare to your blog. Cloudflare delivers your content from the nearest location to the user,so your website loads at a faster rate than previously.Eg if you are getting users from India usually data is send and

Move WordPress Website from HTTP to HTTPS \ SSL | Guide

Google recently announced on webmasters blog that ” We’ve seen positive results, so we’re starting to use HTTPS as a ranking signal.” Many of us especially bloggers using WordPress are still on HTTP protocol so how can you switch to https quickly? Here are steps that how we have done our WordPress blog to switch

How To Add Social Media Buttons To WordPress Without Plugin

Social media buttons or icons are now a vital part of all of our websites and blogs because of the traffic, engagement and money it can bring. Adding these button to your blog post is quite simple as any one who knows how to install and activate the WordPress plugin can do it. And when